Friday, March 12, 2010


So today was my first "check up" since finishing my treatments. Here's what I thought about it:

The smell of the place made me a little sick and I spent the whole time sucking on Jolly Ranchers.

The whole thing reminded me that I am not done yet. I have spent this time thinking that I am out of the woods, and it was just smooth sailing from here. Going back to that place reminded me that I am not there yet.

Dr. Harker told me that they are not satisfied with the results of the PET/CT's (not just in me, but in general) and he is recommending that I have regular CT scans instead. For the rest of the time. I don't know if I wrote about how much I HATED the first CT scan I had, but, I HATED it. Like with the firey passions of hell. I would rather do just about anything else. I have to drink twice as much contrast and then they give me an injection that sends me in to a panic attack. It's bad. I am so not happy about this.

I got an immediate reaction to my hair from the lady that used to schedule my appointments. I was glad she remembered me, cause I didn't get to see many of my old nurses, and the one I saw didn't remember me. :(

Dr. Harker said I looked really good and he didn't see or feel anything he shouldn't. Also, my blood work was clear.

I was glad to see the fish were the same in the waiting room. So was Nik. We spent a few minutes looking for our favorites, and admiring the new additions. They took out the tank from the treatment room (apparently just a couple weeks ago), but we weren't too upset about that, it was not as cool of a tank.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your CT scans I know you hated it. I hope you don't have to have too many.

  2. I'm glad at least your health is doing well and the blood work was clear! I don't think the nurse didn't " remember " you, I think she couldn't " recognize " you with your nice new hair style! ^_-

  3. I can't believe this was your first check up appointment since your chemo. I'm had a ton of apointments, it's annoying. You scared me with the ct scans, I thought he was going to say you had cancer still. That's how my doctor has been, wanting to monitor everything, and getting alot of cat scans. I didn't know the can scans made you feel that way- I'm so sorry. Do pet scans make you feel the same?

  4. Sorry about the CAT scans. How often do you have to get them?
    And you need to post a picture of your NEW hairstyle. Your last picture just doesn't compare to the new color ;)

  5. I've been in the same boat as you, thinking it was done. Sad to realize it's not. But good that the initial results are good. Good luck with the scans... that totally sucks.

  6. I HATE CT scans now too! I've never had one but you've convinced me to HATE them too. Hang in there Lena!

  7. All the Best LENA!!! gambatte ! n get well

  8. Ok I know this post was from awhile ago- but i just read it again, and the same thing happened to me this week at the doctor's- I saw a nurse that i knew, and I got really excited, and she didn't know who I was :( it made me sad- but I totally get it, they see a million people. it's nice to read your blog, to have someone who knows and understands- I think my family is getting sick of me talking about cancer- it's just nice to read your blog and know you get it and understand.

  9. I told you that you would have superpowers when it came to chemo/hospital odors afterwards. My sister is 20 years on and can still smell it and "feel" sick.
